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Lichen and Lace: Rustic Heather Sport

Valutazione: Nessuna valutazione
Produttore:Lichen and Lace
14,00 €
Anteprima Descrizione prodotto Col.# Shade Prezzo Stock Carrello
Lichen and Lace: Rustic Heather Sport ASH ASH ash 14,00 € 0
Lichen and Lace: Rustic Heather Sport LVD LVD lavender 14,00 € 0
Lichen and Lace: Rustic Heather Sport SKY SKY sky 14,00 € 0
Lichen and Lace: Rustic Heather Sport BRC BRC birch 14,00 € 0
Lichen and Lace: Rustic Heather Sport PLN PLN pollen 14,00 € 0
Lichen and Lace: Rustic Heather Sport RSE RSE rose 14,00 € 0
Lichen and Lace: Rustic Heather Sport LKE LKE lake 14,00 € 0
Lichen and Lace: Rustic Heather Sport SMK SMK smoke 14,00 € 0
Anteprima Descrizione prodotto Carrello
Lichen and Lace: Rustic Heather Sport ASH
Col.#: ASH
Shade: ash
Prezzo: 14,00 €
Stock: 0
Lichen and Lace: Rustic Heather Sport LVD
Col.#: LVD
Shade: lavender
Prezzo: 14,00 €
Stock: 0
Lichen and Lace: Rustic Heather Sport SKY
Col.#: SKY
Shade: sky
Prezzo: 14,00 €
Stock: 0
Lichen and Lace: Rustic Heather Sport BRC
Col.#: BRC
Shade: birch
Prezzo: 14,00 €
Stock: 0
Lichen and Lace: Rustic Heather Sport PLN
Col.#: PLN
Shade: pollen
Prezzo: 14,00 €
Stock: 0
Lichen and Lace: Rustic Heather Sport RSE
Col.#: RSE
Shade: rose
Prezzo: 14,00 €
Stock: 0
Lichen and Lace: Rustic Heather Sport LKE
Col.#: LKE
Shade: lake
Prezzo: 14,00 €
Stock: 0
Lichen and Lace: Rustic Heather Sport SMK
Col.#: SMK
Shade: smoke
Prezzo: 14,00 €
Stock: 0


Filato "Rustic Heather Sport" di Lichen and Lace
Lana Canadese 100%

  • Tipo: Sport
  • Peso matassa: 56 g
  • Lunghezza matassa: 197 m
  • Ferri n. 3,0-3,5 mm
  • Campione 10cm = 24-26M

lavaggio e cura

A minimally processed (non-superwash), rustic sport weight yarn made with Canadian wool, spun in New Brunswick at Canada’s oldest woolen mill, with colours hand dyed with care by Lichen and Lace.

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